In Photo Gallery One it shows a collection of hair color pictures all Revlon brand. It shows 3 different colors and two different shades of each there is , a blonde, a red, and a brunette. When I look at this picture I take out of it that it is about appearance. Hair color is something that in society is very important, it is something that people look at and often times focus on. i believe the intentions of this picture were to show that there are all different ways to look and see yourself and the focus society has on appearance. it is very easy to change your appearance if you are uncomfortable with how you look and it shows just one of the brands that is out there to help you with that. With this though I think that this picture is also showing how cheap it is to change your style and the way people see you.The cheap version being the fact that hair dye is only three dollars. The way a person sees you being with your personality as well. With just one change people can see you in a different light, this can go just towards your attitude. If you have a better attitude everyday the people around you feed off of that and their attitude is so much better as well. If you are comfortable with what you look like and have confidence in yourself it changes how you see yourself and how other portray you. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is something that is very important which is what I think the message is here. Hair color does not change who you are as a person but it changes how you feel about yourself. We put such high standards of how people should look. With this i believe a lot of it is directed towards females in the picture they are all female models. Rarely do we as a society see commercials or ads that are just for men and their appearance, it is not as big of a deal to them of how they look like it is to the female population. More now then ever there is more emphasis on how a women should look and what they should look like. The United States has a different idea of what women should look like then the women in France. This is a good thing but we all seem to strive to be each other and not who we really are as people. Instead of our focus being on how we look on the outside it should be how we treat people and the acts of kindness we do. Who we are on the inside is the true us not the color hair dye we use, that just makes us feel better about ourselves.

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