In Photo Gallery One it shows a collection of hair color pictures all Revlon brand. It shows 3 different colors and two different shades of each there is , a blonde, a red, and a brunette. When I look at this picture I take out of it that it is about appearance. Hair color is something that in society is very important, it is something that people look at and often times focus on. i believe the intentions of this picture were to show that there are all different ways to look and see yourself and the focus society has on appearance. it is very easy to change your appearance if you are uncomfortable with how you look and it shows just one of the brands that is out there to help you with that. With this though I think that this picture is also showing how cheap it is to change your style and the way people see you.The cheap version being the fact that hair dye is only three dollars. The way a person sees you being with your personality as well. With just one change people can see you in a different light, this can go just towards your attitude. If you have a better attitude everyday the people around you feed off of that and their attitude is so much better as well. If you are comfortable with what you look like and have confidence in yourself it changes how you see yourself and how other portray you. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is something that is very important which is what I think the message is here. Hair color does not change who you are as a person but it changes how you feel about yourself. We put such high standards of how people should look. With this i believe a lot of it is directed towards females in the picture they are all female models. Rarely do we as a society see commercials or ads that are just for men and their appearance, it is not as big of a deal to them of how they look like it is to the female population. More now then ever there is more emphasis on how a women should look and what they should look like. The United States has a different idea of what women should look like then the women in France. This is a good thing but we all seem to strive to be each other and not who we really are as people. Instead of our focus being on how we look on the outside it should be how we treat people and the acts of kindness we do. Who we are on the inside is the true us not the color hair dye we use, that just makes us feel better about ourselves.

Occupy Wounded Knee: A 71 Day Siege and a Forgotten Civil Rights Movement

1. This article “Occupy Wounded Knee: A 71 Day Siege and a Forgotten Civil Rights Movement” is a eulogy because they remember the ones that died during the Oglala Lakota activists members that seized a town with a lot of history for civil rights. The other genre that is at work is history because it is sharing a specific part of history for the Native American people that is very important. Another example of this is the new history of how that town is doing now it states on page 349 ” Today, the Pine Ridge reservation is the largest community in what may be the poorest country in the entire united states (Per capita income in 2010 was lower in Shannon Country, South Dakota, where Pine Ridge is located, than in any other U.S. country)”. This shows how what happened in the past can affect the town in an negative or positive way.

2. Chertoff’s tittle supports and relates to civil disturbances because it talks directly about a movement that the Native Americans were apart of. It even states in the text “according to the U.S. Marshals Service, which besieged the town along with FBI and National Guard- the longest lasting “civil disorder” in 200 years of U.S. History” This helps give example to her title and supports what Chertoff’s article was all about.

3. This article is about cultural change, tradition, or resistance because of the fact that this article is all about Native activists that are resisting a change from the U,S. and causing for issues in the town of Wounded Knee this is all three of them because they are fighting for their culture and what they believe in. Them fighting shows their resistance to change for their lifestyle. “The oglala living on the reservation faced racism beyond its boundaries and a poorly managed tribal government within them” Although they needed the change to help them this was what their lifestyle had become and this was now their social normalcy.

4. The most graphic part from the article was on page 349 when it said”To many observers, the standoff resembled the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 itself—- when a U.S. cavalry detachment slaughtered a group of Lakota warriors who refused to disarm”. This supports her article because it is about how this got forgotten because it is similar to the Wounded Knee Massacre and many people forget about it.

5.Chertoff collapses the door between war and civil disorder by comparing the two and what it did to both cities. How it affected all of those involved socially and culturally. It put a divide up that should not be a divide for both. Also it is people fighting for what they believe is right and how they believe they should be treated. Chertoff shows great example of that throughout the article and with how descriptive her wording is. She gives a great image to the reader to what might have been happening at that time and what people may have been thinking.

We Stop the Next Aurora Not with Gun Control but with Better Mental Health Treatment

1. Dows policy positions that he sees are absurd are the facts that people believe if the gun control laws were more rigorous the shootings would not have happened and that if people had packed more heat they could of gotten the shooter at Aurora. The gun control laws becoming more rigorous as to who can have them will help the situation but, it will not stop people from selling them to others or from people stealing them if they know their friend has one. Also packing more heat would not have maybe made the shooter struggle to get away but by the people doing this they are putting more people at risk of getting shot and or the situation escalating. That is exactly what Dow’s pointed out in his arguments of this as well, to him though more of the problem is the mental illness that comes with people who are able to get the guns not as much of how they are getting them.

2. By Dow bringing up the other mass shootings it helps his main argument because in both situations once the shootings happened it was said that their was mental illness. Each one of the shooters has been linked to having a mental illness that does not come up until after they have done the horrible thing of a mass shooting and killed and injured innocent people. Dow believes that mental illness needs to start being talked about more so that people feel more comfortable talking about this subject.

3. Dows metaphor of the death penalty is talking about the fact that it took four shootings for people to realize that the shooters should be punished for what they are doing but also that it may be extremely harsh and we are closing the door to fixing this problem in society just because we give them the death penalty will not stop the shooters. Most of them commit suicide soon after they realize what they have done. Instead of focusing on the real issue we are putting a wall up and blaming it all on the shooter not on the fact that he may have a mental illness that caused him to do this .

4. By Dow saying we are all responsible for ignoring all the James Holmses of the world it once again goes back to the fact that we ignore the fact that someone may show signs of a mental illness and that they need help. That part falls on society because if we felt more comfortable talking about it and knew more things about mental illness’ we may be able to help the James Holmses of the world instead of talking about them after they have already broken and there is another mass shooting to talk about and another James Holms to blame for it.

5. Dows argument relates to culture because in society today we hate change and when things we never talk about start to become public we are quick to shut it down instead of allowing the people who have something to say about the topic say it. Instead we tell them they can’t and that they are wrong. Society does not like to admit that there are problems in the world and instead likes to blame what happens on the individuals who did it instead of taking a pinch of credit. We constantly push big conversations that need to be had to the back burner or we just wait for them to die down because we know as a society that if we do not give it attention it will stop being talked about. That is where we are wrong we need to start standing up for what we believe in and fighting for it until everyone see’s the problems it is creating and chooses to do something about it instead of forgetting about it.

Two Cheers for Nature

1. Barash is trying to counter the idea if there is any way we can connect how the world is. He talks about this on page 283 and goes on to state “(I believe includes our own behavioral inclinations)  with how it “ought” to be (including how we ought to behave)?” By asking these questions he made a distinction in society of how things should be and how they are. This is the idea that Barash raises within his article.

2. Barash’s allusion from the BP Oil spill helps to support his main idea because society constantly talks about what a company did wrong or what we should change but we do not realize the problem until something happens. This supports it because of how there is a separation of how things “ought” to be or behave and how we do actually behave and do the things we do.

3. In his article Barash refers to Allie Dillard and her article of  Pilgrim at Tinker Creek because it supports his main idea. It does this because as Barash states on page 286 “or in some other way to impel an urgent inquiry into what it means to take a wider view, and not just describe what’s going on in this gorgeous but deeply troubling landscape of which we are a part of : to figure out what our rightful place is, and how to occupy it”. This take on Allie Dillard’s article works because Barash’s main point is that we need to find out place and realize that things need to be different and things like the oil spill are ruining what great landscape we have. That as a society we need to change what we are doing before something happens to help prevent it.

4. According to Barash humans are fundamentally different than other life forms on the planet because as humans we eat what we want and do what we want as other forms of life have what they eat and go by their way of life instead of changing it. That there is pleasure and pain, but with these different ways of life we hit the same pattern as well of getting the pleasure of what we want in both situations.

5. Barash wants us to accept the concept that we as a society need to change the way we do things and that we need to think of our environment and the things going on around us. That with everything we do someone else is affected in a good or bad way, This is important to understand in the hopes that it will change the way we act and make things safer and better for the new generations coming in. We need to have the determination to change the things we can change and the things we can’t in a “pandoras box” unopened

The Sound of Capitalism

1. This article is pro hip hop because it shares how the artists of hip hop have used different strategies and reached out to different groups like politics. On page 248 Yates states “hip hop has tried politics and it has tried gangsterism. But in the end it settled for capitalism, which energized it and brought it to a position of global dominance”. Although not all the things they tried worked they kept trying and now have finally found what has made hip hop so big in America and across the world.

2. When Yates talks about hip hops materialism he means the things that characterize hip hop. These things that he mentions do not all have a good meaning to them and most are negative. On page 243 Yates says “But for its detractors, this materialism is one of the rap’s three deadly sins, along with violence and misogyny”. Calling them the three deadly sins to a reader means that they are negative aspects of hip hop and rap that make people turn their heads when they hear it.

3. By Yates giving the brief history on hip hop and rap in Britain and America it supports capitalism because it has evolved and moved. With this it has also changed the views of hip hop and rap because of the meanings behind it. Using capitalism was the movement for hip hop and rap and what made it more socially acceptable. Having Britain involved in the revolution also gave it a great boost.

4. The reason cognac and Busta Rhymes relationship helped support Yates main idea of this article is because it showed two worlds coming together to get their points across on what is going on in our world.  With this relationship it also helped support the main idea because it showed the change in the world and that hip hop artists are making names for themselves no matter how many times they get turned away by different companies.

5. This article is about cultural change and the resistance because it brings up points of The President not being a fan of rap and hip hop to the point of rap and hip hop making a name for itself. This showed cultural change because for the folks in America that did not grow up with rap like The President they are not for it and thing is is derogatory where as in society today it is more normal to listen to rap and hip hop and it is now making a name for itself in a good manner. It became normal in society to listen to rap and hip hop because there was a new meaning to it, it was no longer meant to offend people but to put major issues into the publics eye in a nice way and not in a way that is rude or offensive. Yates article helps with this because he explains what artists went through to get to where they are now. All the obstacles and learning where they fit in and finally being accepted into the publics eye as normal.

Is Your Campus Diverse? It’s a Question of Faith

1. A single sentence to me that best captures Patel’s main idea was “Berea’s understanding of that cross was the key reason the college had such a diverse student bod, and precisely why they had invited a Muslim speaker to address the community” (216 Patel). This quote pulls everything he talks about before it together. Patel’s main idea to this whole article is that all religions have one thing in common and it is what the cross means to them. Also that we need to be welcoming to all religions and how people practice their faith because at the end of it all, we all believe in the same god. We might just practice how we believe in him a little differently.

2. Patel uses current events through out his article to develop his point about college campuses because college is a place where you have to find where you are comfortable again. With that many college students are away from home so they need to find a place where they can go when they get homesick. Patel states on page 215 “When he missed home , he’d go to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, where the flickering candles reminded him of the line in the Koran that God is light upon light”. Having that place where you can go and find yourself again and remind yourself what you know and why you are there is one of the most important things. The current event that Patel uses besides just college campuses is that more students are going to college and they are not basing their college off of what religion is more prominent, they are finding a home within others home and opening them up to new religions and diversity.

3. When Patel encourages us all to invite in “more social capital among faith communities” I think he is trying to tell us all to be more accepting of other religions. Even if we do not understand it we should still respect it. Social capital is a collective value of all people in the community and who they know. Social capital functions within communities because it is based on how you network and who you know. The social capital among faith communities is more of knowing about other peoples religions and respecting and trying to understand them. With this that also means that we get to experience some of these other religions, through speakers or even just supporting a friend through their religious journey as well.

4. The relationship between the culture of college campuses and the politics of the nation is that college campuses are helping change the politics of the nation. This is because we are more open and moving forward in accepting and becoming more interfaith. Patel even states that “one reason Barack Obama is president is because of the 1990s-era multiculturalism movement on campus”. College campuses are helping change the face of the nation and how we understand our politicians backgrounds.

5. An underrepresented narrative to me would be something that is not talked about in public a lot but has such a strong meaning that it should be talked about all the time. Underrepresented narratives are stories of things that people are uncomfortable talking about and reading about but is a way to go through such a learning experience. This concept is important of this article because most people get uncomfortable talking about religion and Patel shares such experiences and even things that his father went through being in the Muslim religion that is so powering but this subject can be very touchy and that is what makes this an underrepresented narrative.


Living Within Social Networks

1.The Toyota ad works in Krause’s argument that social media is making us lonely because the girl who wants her parents to have more social media friends is the one that is sitting on her computer looking at pictures where as her parents that only have 19 friends on Facebook are out enjoying nature with real people. They are the ones getting to know each other and having human interaction. Their daughter is the one who is have superficial online friendships. It supports the argument because there are examples of how social media is making us lonely and it helps him lead up to many other supporting details.

2.Krause uses quotations around the words read and watch because being on social media you “read” what is going on in peoples lives and “watch” for the pictures to be posted so that you feel like there  is some kind of friendship connection between you and that person. Krause is suggesting that we don’t actually talk to our friends we just use social media as a way of communicating with each other instead of really talking.

3. Krause’s answer to “is Facebook making us lonely”? is a complicated one because he gives examples and supports both sides. Krause believes that social media is important and states on page 148 “But in considering social media as a whole, it’s important to not think of only Facebook but rather to think about the rise of the many ways we quickly add and share content online and it’s likely importance in the way that we will interact in the foreseeable future.”With this quote Krause is stating how great social media is for quick information and that we can still make people feel loved through it. There are parts of social media that make us lonely because we get so involved in the picture liking and the posting of statuses we forget to actually reach out to our friends.

4.Living to Krause is being involved in social media. Staying connected with what is going on with friends, acquaintances, and even some famous people that you happen to follow. To Krause that is considered as living because we do not know what everyone is doing with all their other time. This is just another way for people to stay connected and involved in people’s lives.

5. Krause and Roger Scrutons positions in a way align because they both believe that social media has taken a big place in our lives and that it is a way to connect. Where they are not the same is that Scruton takes it to how people believe the person who the personality you get from social media will be the same person in real life where as Krause just see’s it has a way of living and believes that people are different outside of being on the internet.


1. By Greene giving different acronyms from around the world it helped to show that once a trend starts it does not just stay in one country. The trend moves around the whole world and it is not just in teenagers. In fact on page 129 Greene states “The kids are not ruining the language, though. Grown- ups play the same inflationary game”. This shows that grown-ups are even involved in following the acronym trend.

2. Greene states on page 129 “Walk into any business and a cloud of three-lettered titles surround you”. In this phrase is seems that Greene feels the three- lettered tittles somehow now mean more than just saying that your the boss of the company. Now there are so many other three-lettered tittle people know saying your the CEO sounds of more power than saying boss. Also in Greene’s article he says “Acronyms have become so ubiquitous that we look for them even where they don’t exist” (pg.129). He is stating with this that people are so obsessed with using acronyms and looking for easier ways to write or say things that they are making things acronyms that don’t need them Greene’s feelings on this is that it is pointless and we are too worried about the shorter way to say things.

3. One place where Greene thinks it is good that we have an acronym trend is surprisingly in the business world where company names can be shortened. Greene gives an example on page 132 stating ” In 1901 the National Biscuit Company sought a trademark for a new short form of its name– Nabisco. The “co” trend took off”. In this case Greene seems to appreciate the abbreviation because it helped many other companies as well.

4. These two statements are not contradictory because although it is not american to have the acronym we have made it so that it is a norm. Something that many other countries are doing. For awhile it was not American or Anglo-phone about acronyms but that is what is changing our world and what Americans really are. Before technology started changing acronyms definitely would not of been in the picture but now they are.

5. The characterization of “seductive quasi-certainty” brings Greene”s overall point together because it shows that acronyms give meaning to people now which brings it back to the people in business’s. They are no longer just boss’s they are CEO’s and now things are starting to have different meanings. When people start using acronyms they are a little worried and a little uncertain but once you understand how your constantly wanting to use them. They are seen to make communicating easier and faster.

The New Science Behind Your Spending Addiction

1. The main point in this article that the authors Begley and Chatzky report is that your brain and the way it is mapped is why some of us spend more then others. On page 68 it states “they are discovering measurable differences between the brains of people who save and those who spend with abandon, particularly in the areas of the brain that predict consequences, process the sense of reward, spur motivation, and control memory”. This states that the people who spend consistently have a different brain mapping then people who like to save.

2. The “moneybrain” is a part of the brain that depicts if you are a huge spender or a huge saver. It is the one part that most people do not know about and is slightly based off your personality type. If you are able to have self control you are more likely to be a saver rather then someone who see’s something they want and automatically gets it. The “moneybrain” relates to what Begley and Chatzky philosophy is because it is how are brain is mapped out. Our brain is linked to our personalities and our personalities link to the fact if we are savers or spenders.

3.The marshmallow experiment at Stanford corresponded with the finding of neuroeconomists because brain activity was different in the children who waited to eat the marshmallow and the ones who did not wait. On page 69 the article states ” Using fMRI, they analyzed differences in the brain activity between those who were good at delaying gratification and those who opted for instant rewards”. This all goes back to how our brain works and the fact that Begley and Chatzky found that there is a grey section of the brain that has everything to do with our impulse control.

4. The fact that the brain is able to change and develop new patterns of thinking is important to Begley and Chatzky’s main idea because it helps support their idea that one certain part of the brain has a lot of effect on how one spends money and reacts to their impulses. The new find relates to how one trains their brain because it means that even without help of this new science find people on their own can train their impulses and the way they spend money.

5. The admission that generation differences with how the brain functions is important because not everyone in this generation relates everything to technology and the fact that everything is there for us in a click of a button. These facts are important because it shows that more of how we react to our impulses is based on our personality and how our brain works rather than the technology we have grown up around.

In the Valley of the Shadow of Debt

1. According to Storms the core problem for graduating college students is unemployment. Storms states “The rub of this debt conversation comes when graduates can’t get jobs or make their loan payments”. The debt after college comes from the fact that unemployment is the real problem. College graduates are not able to pay their loans or debts because most are unemployed and having a hard time finding a job they got their degree in.

2. The possible situation that Storm advocates is that loans and financial aid are the reason he made it to and through college. Storm shares his situation by saying “Others in my situation before me received this gesture and paid their loans, which kept the institution in business and stable enough to fund my education. It’s only fair that I do the same for those that come after me; doing otherwise would be selfish”. Storm is saying that some times the only way to get a higher education is getting student loans and by doing this and paying them back it gives the next graduating class the same opportunities he had.

3. Personal testimony works for Storms with the fact that he shares the story of his mother. “It would have been a mistake not to attend college out of fear of debt-a regret i’ve often seen in my mother, who turned down a basketball scholarship so that she could live on my grandparents’ farm for a few extra years and help with the chores”. He uses this because Storms did not want to make the same mistake his mother did and live with regret for the rest of his life. Storms wanted a higher education and was not going to keep the fear of debt from allowing him to get it.

4. The sources that Storms used showed both sides of student debt and also what people have thought about doing to solve the problem of student debt. Most of the points Storm used were to show that without student debt you would really only have the rich going to college. One of his sources was that “Ron Paul proposed eliminating financial aid altogether, and requiring college students to pay out of pocket. But this would further stratify the social classes, with the result being the rich remaining rich and the poor remaining poor”. This source is important because it shows that the social classes would then become a major problem in our world again. Just when we are starting to figure out ways to fix that problem.

5. Storms concern about the second layer of his argument is that the conversation of debt becomes a pattern. Storm also states that “As more people obtain college degrees, the competition for jobs increase”. With the competition increasing it leaves for more conversation of debt and repaying loans. “The conversation about college debt and funding really involves patterns of exclusivity, of finding ways we can preclude or include others in the ever-present quest to learn more and earn more”. This pattern goes into the conversation pattern of how to pay for college and how you the college graduate are going to pay back your student loans and debt.